Not only do they make a mess when scavenging through garbage, animals can often eat things they shouldn't.
Securing your garbage ensures that local wildlife do not get used to supplementing their diets with human food.
The Minnesota DNR advises that trash cans be locked inside a shed or garage (not a screened porch) until the morning of pickup.
If there is not a secure building to put trash cans in, erect an energized fence around trash.

Bear Warriors United of Oviedo, Florida has generously sent us Bear Care Packages with the materials to add straps to foil wildlife from getting into garbage. Thank you Bear Warriors!
The BearTeam will be testing these in 2022 to see how effective they are with northern Minnesota wildlife.
Watch how a property owner near Ely recently stymied a bear with simple mesh straps

BearTeam members will also be experimenting with other methods of securing trash cans to compare effectiveness. We'll post the results as we learn.
Watch how to install straps to make trash cans wildlife resistant
How To Make Most Trash Cans Bear Resistant
Nov 18, 2016
Adding resistance to most trash cans bear resistance
Feb 29, 2020